Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Concerning The Title

The title of this blog is explained by the 'description'- an early quote from (THE BEST. BOOK. EVAR.) of one of my favorite characters- Henry Rearden. Legitimately, I want to marry this man. He is the knight in shining armour of the modern age. Actually, if it wasn't for Fransisco d'Anconia, I probably would.

This is who they should have chosen for the movie- I imagined a combination of these three men as I read the book.
So smooth. So suit-y. So blonde. SO. BUSINESSLIKE. *cough*andSOOOsexy*cough*
Seriously. I could stare at these pictures all day.

My naming of this blog after Rearden's quote is that he can be proud of his life- and his accomplishments. I want to be proud of my life and accomplishments, too. :)

Hurray for Hank Rearden, Rearden Metal, Atlas Shrugged, and hot actors in hot suits.

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