Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why You Don't Buy A Coloring Book Before Finals

It's two am, and I have a 5-page Shakespeare final paper due at 10.
I've written a half page.

However, I have done these.


My director said he'd "always remember me as that little mermaid" he better get this.

I snapped a picture of this one and sent it to my mom, entitled 'My childhood finally caught up to my teenage years!' She'll doubtless see it and cry, but it's true.
I loved Sleeping Beauty when I was a kid- not only was Aurora reeeeeeally pretty, but her dress changed colors. You can't understand what that means to a four-year-old. Also, Maleficent suuuper cool (like seriously, super cool) but she turned into a f*cking dragon. What four-year-old wouldn't love that?!

And of course, my teenage years were spent like this:

So.....yeah. I have a bunch of other pages that I've colored too, I'll put 'em up at a later point. (Maybe even on Art From The Backseat, which I feel super bad about abandoning, but....all my stuff sucks, so...).

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