Wednesday, September 21, 2011

SVU (We Miss You Elliot!)

I love SVU, I've always loved it. It's actually what got me interested and into Forensic Psychology (BD Wong, you rock!) and of course, it's set in NY.

When I heard Chris Meloni was leaving the show, I was really sad. Like....really sad. I'm not sure you can have Benson without Stabler- to quote twitter, "it's like kool-aid without the sugar...just ain't right!" Not sure exactly how SVU correlates to Kool-Aid, but I guess the metaphor works either way.

I watched the first episode of the new season- while I totally miss Stabler, I think they handled his exit very smoothly and gracefully. I also thought that Mariska Hartigay's job on that episode was WELL. DONE. You could feel Benson's pain, her confusion at Stabler's leaving without explanation or notice. Wouldn't lie, I cried when she did. I hope he guest-stars or at least shows his face on occasion, though I understand he wants to do other things, and I wish him the best of luck, as well as a warm welcome to the newsies on the show. Here's to a great season!

The Great Glee Review

I like Glee. I don't love Glee. It took me a while to get into, but then I saw an episode that screamed 'Player's Club!!!' to me, and I was hooked. I love the "social commentary" that is stated, especially in the gay characters. (Chris Colfer and Darren Criss are the best. Also love that I knew Darren Criss when he was just a little wizard boy).

But I thought this week's season start of Glee was pretty good. That the characters are feeling the pressure of college and succeeding, and realizing that there are thousands of other people out there who are just as talented, is the pressure and anxiety felt by EVERY arts kid. I'm glad they're finally reflecting that.

(He's so pretty).

Likewise, I've always liked Quinn, I thought she was pretty and all. BUT HOLY LORD SHE WENT BADASS AND I WOULD TOTALLY HIT THAT NOW. I was shocked by what a difference the transformation made!!!

Also, purple pianos are awesome. So awesome. And they did Anything Goes. (LOVE. IT).

(Can't believe this is the best picture I could find of them! Shame on you, Google.)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I got a Netflix account this year (I'd always planned on it once I started college) and I have put it to GOOD use so far! And (as of yet) it hasn't disrupted my studies, either! (Hurray for that!) I've watched/rented most of the movies that I've never seen (the Mission Impossibles, Bourne Trilogy, etc) but have also seen a lot of ones that were 'suggested' for me- like this one.

At first, I was like, meh, but I added it to my instant play list, because- Peter O'Toole. Just....Peter O'Toole.
They eyes, man, the eyes! So. Blue.

But at any rate, the movie was wonderful. My kind of movie- sweet, heartwarming, eccentric, full of science, philosophy, good writing, good acting, and the much-older-man-young-girl relationship. (Sorry, but that's my thing). I didn't think they'd let it happen- I'm so glad they did. And they didn't make it awkward, it just happened- naturally, organically. None of the stigma or awkwardness. Certainly not the canon. But then again, none of this movie was! Actually, the only thing I didn't like were the awkward eyebrows. (I mean...c'mon now I know it was the 80's, but still).

If you have the chance, definitely check it out. It's on Netflix instant streaming, I'm sure it's elsewhere too.

Y'know, I'd like to think I've seen The Big Picture too. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011


Over Labor Day weekend I had a chance to spend some time with my father (he lives in Salt Lake, and I haven't seen him in a long time) and my favorite band was going to be in town- so I smiled sweetly and BEGGED for tickets. They were headlining with Blink 182, but luckily MCR came on first so we left right after and avoided the crowds out! It was awesome to go (especially since their last concert, at the Roseland in NYC, ended up with me in the hospital with $1000 bill!) and it was cool to go with my father too.

I've never been to a concert at an amphitheatre, either. It was really cool- and I was so glad it was good weather!
This is the bike that they're raffling off- I already am dying for a motorcycle (a sexy, bike motorcycle, not a hog) and this one is SOOOO COOOOL AND SIGNED BY THE BAND.

Maybe I can just pretend it's mine!

The drum head is really cool, as is the helmet next to it- it's cool 'cuz this is the same setup as the Roseland show. It was crazy to see them the day after they lost their drummer, too.
They had the Asian lady from the videos come onscreen and start saying stuff- then she started counting down, and the crowd lost it. I know I did!

Those lights clash horribly with his hair.

And of course, the spider.
This (with the pink lights) was cool because it was just like the album cover.

I cannot BELIEVE they put this up, or played anything from Three Cheers. I was so happy!

So blurry- but I had it on like 12x zoom in a jumping crowd!

It was so much fun- but the last song he played was Cancer, then just quietly walked off stage. I wanted to cry, that song is such an emotional trigger and helped me through so much.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


This day is always really hard for me. I guess it was harder this year, considering everyone around me seemed completely unaware of what the day was. I won't dwell on it, there's no point. I love New York, I love American ideals and I love peace and freedom. Under no circumstances can I support or justify what actions such people take.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

I've wanted to see this movie for a long time- when the previews first came out me and my buddies were all "DUDE THIS MOVIE HAS AP LIT WRITTEN ALL OVER IT!!!!!!" and yet after it did come out I heard it was terrible so didn't take the time to see it. Finally did get it on Redbox today (Redbox is awesome, btw) and hesitantly watched it- and loved it!! I have no idea where all the negative reviews I heard came from! I thought it was really good- plot, writing, acting, symbolism, costume/set design, the whole nine yards. The little AP Lit Minion inside me was dancing the whole time. (Be warned, spoilers or spoiler-esque items will follow).

First, I liked the concepts. Free-will, choice, destiny, etc- and I loved the fact that even though there was The Plan and everything, 'Chance' still existed. Likewise, I liked how even though it was fairly obvious who 'The Chairman' and the agents were, they never used the name 'God'. And that Free Will (more or less!) wins out in the end.

Okay, the symbols/symbolism-

The Hats

Cover your head. Your mind....your thoughts? Eh? Not only that, but you have to have one of the hats to move about- you have to own and guard your 'thoughts' (choices) in order to move through the world and life.


Water has long been a symbol of purity, cleansing, change. Water washes away what's been done, blurs any ink on a paper. Baptism, particularly comes to mind- especially with the "divine" theme. It would make sense that movements could not be predicted near or in water.


Okay, I'm sorry, but this one was almost a little...too much. The ONLY black guy in the movie is the only 'angel' who betrays The Plan and The Chairman? To 'go against' him? (Or Him, depending on how you're looking at it).

The Statue of Liberty

This one didn't hit me at first. When it did, I was like OHHHHHISEEWHATCHUDIDTHERE. But then I felt it was a little like the Harry thing- kind-of obvious. They open a door at the bottom of the Statue of LIBERTY together, after they both choose to do so, to go demand free will? Sorry, if that wasn't clear enough then here. (Go 'head and check out #3).

Oh, my bad, that might've been too strong. (ISN'T IT?!) Anyway, you get my point.

The Doors
(no, not those doors.)

The doors are a symbol of opening, of new possibilities, locations, changing where you are (metaphorically and literally). Once you have the power to open the doors (to take you somewhere else) then they can literally take you to different worlds- but you have to know how to open them.

There are some other forms of symbolism too, but they're minimal- and most of them are probably only because I'm writing this at 3(sorry, 4)am. (Light/dark, the stairs, etc).

I also liked the line/concept that we do meet 'The Chairman' at some point in our lives- even if we don't realize who it is. Makes me wonder who it might have been- or who it will be.